Vladimir Marković; Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, Srbija; Sociologija, 4. godina
Ovaj rad se bavi nekim elementima ideologije organizacije-pokreta Otpor, koja je izrasla iz
studentskih gibanja i bila jedna od najaktivnijih snaga civilnog društva u Srbiji suprotstavljenog Miloševićevom režimu. Ti ideološki sadržaji i danas su relevantni za procese konstituisanja identiteta srbijanskog civilnog društva. Među njima se posebno ističu uticaji ideologije neoliberalizma i orijentalističkog diskursa. U radu se kritikuje neselektivan odnos ideologa Otpora prema domaćim istorijsko-kulturnim tradicijama (otomanskoj baštini, npr.), i ukazuje se na ograničenja u procesu kreiranja nepatvorenog identiteta jednog balkanskog civilnog društva.
Ključne riječi: civilno društvo, ideologija Otpora, miloševićevska Srbija, neoliberalizam, orijentalizam
Cjeloviti tekst (.PDF)Vladimir Marković; Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, Serbia; Sociology, 4th year
This paper deals with some elements of ideologies of organization movement Otpor (Resistance), which sprang from student movements and which was one of the most active
forces of civil society opposing to the Milošević regime. These ideological contents are at present relevant to the processes of constituting the identity of Serbian civil society. Among those the most emphasised influences are those of neoliberal and orientalistic discourse. This paper criticizes the unselective relations of Otpor ideologists towards the domestic historical and cultural traditions (for example, the Ottoman tradition), and points to the limitations in the process of creating the authentic identity of a Balkan civil society.
Key words: civil society, Otpor ideology, Miloševićs Serbia, neoliberalism, orientalism
Full text available only in Croatian