
Ines Čavar; Filozofski fakultet, Zagreb; Psihologija, 4. godina


U radu se opisuje otpisivanje, jedan od važžnih koncepata transakcijske analize. Transakcijska analiza možže se definirati kao teorija ličnosti i razvoja, filozofski pogled na ljude i njihove odnose te psihoterapijski pristup. Otpisivanje je unutarnji mentalni nesvjesni mehanizam kojim se otpisuje, ignorira ili umanjuje neki aspekt realnosti. Otpisane se dijelove realnosti ili negira ili reinterpretira, nastojeći ih na taj način uskladiti s referentnim okvirom individue, odnosno načinom na koji ta individua vidi realnost. Opisuju se različite vrste otpisivanja kao i mehanizam komplementaran otpisivanju pomoću kojeg se onaj tko koristi otpisivanje dovodi u ravnotežžu.

Ključne riječi: otpisivanje, virtualna stvarnost, grandioznost, redefiniranje, verbalna komunikacija, neverbalna komunikacija

Cjeloviti tekst (.PDF)Ines Čavar; Faculty of humanities and social sciences, Zagreb; Psychology, 4th year


The paper deals with diskaunt, one of the major concepts in transactional analysis. Transactional analysis can be defined as a theory of personality and development, a philosophical view on people and their relationships, and as a psychotherapeutic approach. Diskaunt is an internal mental unconscious mechanism that is used to depreciate, ignore, or diminish certain aspects of reality. Diskaunted parts of reality are either ignored or reinterpreted, so that they can be matched with the referential framework of an individual, that is, the way in which that individual sees the reality. The paper describes certain kinds of diskaunts, as well as mechanisms complementary to diskaunt, which help the user to reach a balance.

Key words: grandiosity, non-verbal communication, verbal communication, virtual reality, redefinition, diskaunt

Full text available only in Croatian.