Alen Sućeska; Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, Hrvatska
Ima li u modernom društvu politička suvišnost (apatija) veze s fenomenom zla koji se manifestira u fizičkom nasilju – ovaj rad pokušava ustanoviti kroz analize Hanne Arendt, Franza Neumanna i Ericha Fromma vezane uz tu problematiku. Polazi se od fenomena “radikalnog zla” i “banalnog zla” koji svoj vrhunac postižu za vrijeme totalitarnih režima 20. stoljeća, da bi se preko osjećaja političke suvišnosti (kao jednog elementa “radikalnog zla”) i ambivalentnosti modernog identiteta svojstvenim modernim društvima, došlo do reakcija koje se pojavljuju kao posljedica toga – pri čemu se ukazuje na novi fenomen “latentnog zla”. Postavlja se pitanje: koja je uloga političkih sistema i/ili društva u svemu tome? Odgovor je nedvosmisleno jasan: danas se pojedinci latentno čine suvišnima, pa je tako i zlo (nasilje) koje iz te suvišnosti proizlazi također latentno.
Ključne riječi
totalitarizam; radikalno zlo; banalno zlo; Hannah Arendt; politička suvišnost; mehanizmi bjekstva (E. Fromm)
Alen Sućeska; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
This article attempts at determining whether the feeling of political redundancy (apathy) in modern society is related to the phenomenon of evil which manifests itself in physical violence. The answer is sought through analysing Hanna Arendt, Franz Neumann and Erich Fromm’s works relevant for the subject. The phenomena of “radical evil” and “banality of evil”, which reached their peak during the totalitarian regimes of the 20th Century, are taken as the starting point. The feeling of political redundancy (as an element of “radical evil”) and the ambivalence of modern identity, both characteristic of modern societies, are later incorporated into the analysis in order to reach consequent reactions which indicate the new phenomenon of “latent evil”. What are the roles and responsibilities of political systems and/or societies in this process? The answer is unambiguously clear: today, individuals are latently being made redundant; therefore, the evil and violence which emanate from that redundancy must also be latent.
totalitarianism; radical evil; banality of evil; Hannah Arendt; political redundancy; escaping freedom (E. Fromm)
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