U svom izvješću pod naslovom “Thematic Review of Tertiary Education. Croatia, Country Note” iz svibnja 2007. godine OECD donosi niz zanimljivih zaključaka i prijedloga za buduću razvojnu politiku u sistemu visokog školstva u RH. Neki od dijelova koji se izravno tiču studenata su sljedeći:
“273. The Review Team supports the principle of a contribution by students and their families to the costs of their tertiary education, particularly in view of the constraints and competition for the state budget.
284. The Croatian authorities should consider:
Limiting the number of years that students may remain undergraduates;
Reducing progressively the financial incentives to remain a student;
Introducing financial incentives to both students and institutions to graduate on time;
286. The emphasis in funding should be placed on need rather than on merit, and institutions themselves should no longer allow extensive repetition of failed courses. Failure at re-sit could result in leaving the whole degree programme.
287. Meanwhile, financial assistance should be reassessed annually, based on the previous year’s educational performance, and different funding criteria should be used for young and for mature students.
289. Distance learning approaches should be further developed and extended.
318. There should be openness to all forms of programme and institution mobility.
319. The temporary employment contract system should be used to employ the new generation of researchers, and increased further and at levels above that of the new generation of academics. Both national and international mobility should be rewarded.” (Izvor: http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/42/17/38814548.pdf)