Sociology Students’ Club Discrepancy (SSCD) invites you to participate in a symposium about issues of health and illness
which will be held from 1st to 4th of April 2020. in the conference hall (library, second floor) at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Zagreb (exact date will be published soon)
Despite the prevailing picture of health and illness as results of life choices at the individual level, contemporary social processes indicate more and more clearly that health and illness are to a considerable extent socially conditioned. Sociology aims to determine the social environment, institutional conditions, and social inequalities in order to link them with an unequal distribution of health and illness along the social hierarchy. Health, as it is defined by the World Health Organization, is „a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity“. It can be influenced by the socioeconomic status of an individual, presence, and quality of public healthcare, degree of pollution of natural resources and a number of other factors that can’t be reduced to lifestyle and genetic inheritance.
The purposes of this symposium are to encourage a discussion about the processes that influence the overall level of health in a society, their economic, historical and political causes and implications as well as interdisciplinary communication and informing the interested public.
Application for participation:
- In order to participate in the symposium, an application must be filled out. The deadline for sending applications and summaries (up to 250 words) is March 1st, 2019.
- Applications are sent to in Croatian or English.
- The official language of the symposium is Croatian with the possibility of presenting in English.
- Participation in the symposium is free. Accommodation for participants will be arranged by SSCD. However, travel expenses are covered by the participants themselves.
- Application form
- For all additional inquiries please contact SSCD at
Range of subjects for presentation (with the possibility of expansion):
- SOCIAL HISTORY OF HEALTH AND ILLNESS (development of healthcare organizations nd institutions; medicine as a profession etc.)
- GLOBAL DIFFERENCES IN HEALTH AND ILLNESS (global North-South divide; capitalist center and periphery countries…)
- MARKET INFLUENCE ON HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (outsourcing; lobbying and monopoly in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries)
- RELATIONS OF POLITICAL AGENTS AND HEALTHCARE SYSTEM (financing; legislation; development strategies and so forth)
- HEALTH AND MASS MEDIA (beauty standards; advertising of medicines and medical services; presentation of healthy lifestyle, etc.)
- HEALTH AND THE INTERNET (cyberchondria; health forums and groups on social media)
- HEALTH AND EDUCATION (introduction of health education)
- HEALTH, ILLNESS AND ECOLOGY (influence of pollution and climate change on health)
It is possible to submit papers that aren’t covered by the aforementioned subject suggestions but are connected to the general subject.
All information regarding the symposium is available on the Facebook page of the event ( and on the SSCD pages (Facebook: and web:
We are looking forward to your papers and participation!